​​björn snowsport
​​Snowboard training with style

List of Exercises for lateral movements
Is about moving across the board to create tilt and twist.
Angulation _\
0 0
\ /
\ /
Inclination _\ _/
Understanding can also be used as an edging exercise
- rolling from toes to heels in a flexed position (angulation / more stable)
without the snowboard
trust your partner
on your own
with snowboard
trust your partner
on your own
in motion
in fall line just rolling from edge to edge
in turns
- rolling from toes to heels in an extended position (inclination / less stable)
without the snowboard
trust your partner
on your own (going to fall over)
with snowboard
trust your partner
on your own (going to fall over)
in motion
in fall line just rolling from edge to edge
in turns
- Standing on your toes
(open ankles) less stable and more tiring
without the snowboard
with snowboard
in motion
in a toe edge traverse
in a toe side turn
- Bending knees over toes while balancing on the ball of your foot
(flexed ankles) more stable and less tiring
without the snowboard
with snowboard
in motion
in a toe edge traverse
in a toe side turn
- Edge Angle change
(can be adjusted through lateral movement or opening and closing ankle joint)
from low to high edge angle and back
from low to high edge angle (start skidded and then carve or increase grip)
from high to low edge angle (start carved/edged and then skid or decrease grip)
while carving adjust the size of the turn with different edge angles
- Increase edge angle at completion of the turn
(for a better more stable platform to change edges)
with just the back foot
with both feet
- Quickly increase edge angle at completion of the turn
(for a snappier edge change)
with just the back foot
with both feet
- Edge Wiggles
down the fall line
across the fall line
- Double Edge change turns
- Hanger Turns
hold a flat base before edge change
Torsional Twist
- Gas Pedals (only use this to see if your guest can twist the board)
by pushing down the toes you open up the ankle joint (bad movement)
the guest COM gets pushed back on to the back foot which will prevent a smooth initiation of a turn
while sitting down
- Torsional Twist
Toe side
make them close the front ankle by bringing the front knee over the little toe while allowing the hip
and upper body to follow
(for intermediate and advanced riders you can add more power by lifting up your back toes)
Heel side
outline the nose of the board with your front knee and slowly push down the front heel
(for intermediate and advanced riders you can add more power by rolling on the ball of your foot with
your back foot)
On the slope
the instructor can place a snowboard boot under the guests snowboard to give them a platform
- Falling Leaf / Floating Leaf
- Garland / extreme falling leaf
- C-Turn
toe to heel
heel to toe
- Linking Turn